
This page contains the few guidelines and conventions used in the code base.

Pull requests

The development of Spinach happens on GitHub, the main repository is To contribute to Spinach:

  • Fork NicolasLM/spinach
  • Clone your fork
  • Create a feature branch git checkout -b my_feature
  • Commit your changes
  • Push your changes to your fork git push origin my_feature
  • Create a GitHub pull request against NicolasLM/spinach’s master branch


Avoid including multiple commits in your pull request, unless it adds value to a future reader. If you need to modify a commit, git commit --amend is your friend. Write a meaningful commit message, see How to write a commit message.

Python sources

The code base follows pep8 guidelines with lines wrapping at the 79th character. You can verify that the code follows the conventions with:

$ pycodestyle --ignore=E252,W503,W504 spinach tests

Running tests is an invaluable help when adding a new feature or when refactoring. Try to add the proper test cases in tests/ together with your patch. The test suite can be run with pytest:

$ pytest tests

Because the Redis broker tests require a running Redis server, there is also a convenience tox.ini that runs all the tests and pep8 checks for you after starting Redis in a container via docker-compose. Simply running:

$ tox

will build a virtualenv, install Spinach and its dependencies into it, start the Redis server in the container, and run tests and pycodestyle, tearing down the Redis server container when done.


Spinach runs on all versions of Python starting from 3.6. Tests are run via GitHub actions to ensure that.

Documentation sources

Documentation is located in the doc directory of the repository. It is written in reStructuredText and built with Sphinx.

If you modify the docs, make sure it builds without errors:

$ cd doc/
$ make html

The generated HTML pages should land in doc/_build/html.