Design choices

I have used the Celery task queue for a long time and while it is a rock solid piece of software, there are some design decisions that just drive me crazy.

This page presents and explains the key design decisions behind Spinach. It can be summed up as: explicit is better than implicit. Spinach makes sure that it does not provide any convenient feature that can backfire in more complex usages.

Threaded & asynchronous workers

Spinach workers are either threaded or asynchronous while other task queues like Celery or RQ rely on processes by default.

Threaded and asynchronous workers work best with IO bound tasks: tasks that make requests to other services, query a database or read files. If your tasks are CPU bound, meaning that you do heavy computations in Python, a process based worker will be more efficient.

Tasks in a typical web application are more often than not IO bound. The choice of threads or coroutines as unit of concurrency is a sensible one.

Threads and coroutines also have the advantage of being lighter than processes, a system can handle more threads than processes before resources get exhausted.


Another reason why Spinach does not use processes for concurrency is because the fork system call used to create the workers is a very special one. It has Copy-On-Write semantics that are unfamiliar to many Python developers.

On the other hand thread-safety is a more understood problem in Python, the standard library providing most of the solutions to write thread-safe programs.

Not relying on fork also makes Spinach compatible with Windows.

Embeddable workers

As workers are just threads they are easily embeddable in any other Python process. This opens the door to two nice usages:

During automated tests a worker can be launched processing jobs exactly like a normal worker would do in production. What is more by using an in-memory broker there is no need for having a Redis server running during tests.

For small web projects, the task workers can be launched from the same process as the web application. As the application gets bigger the workers can be moved to a separate process very easily.


One issue I have with Celery is the way it handles logging: the framework tries to be too smart, resulting in great pain when the logging setup gets more complex.

That is why Spinach keeps it simple: as a well behaved library it uses the standard logging module and writes logs in its own loggers.

The choice of what to do with theses log records is up to the final user.

Jobs scheduled for the future

Spinach has full support for jobs that need to be executed in the future. These jobs go to a special queue until the are ready to be launched. At that time they are moved to a normal queue where they are picked by a worker.

Celery emulates this behavior by immediately sending the task to a worker and waiting there until the time has come to execute it. It means tasks cannot be scheduled much in advance without wasting resources in the worker.

Periodic jobs

One annoying thing with Celery is that you can launch as many distributed workers as you want but there must be one and only one Celery beat process running in the cluster at a time.

This approach does not work well with containerized applications that run in a cluster that often redeploys and move containers around.

All Spinach workers are part of the system that schedules periodic jobs, there is no need to have a pet in the cattle farm.

Only two brokers

Spinach lets the user pick between the in-memory broker for local development and the Redis broker for production. Both support exactly the same set of features.

Redis was chosen because it is an incredibly versatile database. With Lua scripting it becomes possible to develop entirely new patterns which are essential to create a useful and reliable task queue.

Other services like Google PubSub, Amazon SQS or AMQP are very opinionated and not as versatile as Redis, making them difficult to use within Spinach without cutting down on features.


Multiple Spinach applications (production, staging…) can use the same Redis database without interfering with each other.

Likewise, a single interpreter can run multiple Spinach applications without them interfering with each other.

Minimize import side-effects

Spinach encourages users to write applications that have minimal side-effects when imported. There is no global state that gets created or modified when importing or using Spinach.

The user is free to use Spinach in a scoped fashion or declaring everything globally.

This makes it possible for a single interpreter to run multiple Spinach applications without them interfering with each other, which is particularly useful for running automated tests.

No worker entrypoint

Celery has this celery worker entrypoint that can be launched from the command line to load an application and spawn the workers.

The problem I often face is that I never know if a setting should be defined in my code as part of the app setup or as a flag of this command line.

Moreover command line flags and application settings often have slightly different names, making things more confusing.

Spinach thus makes it foolproof, you are responsible for configuring the Spinach app though your Python code. You can read settings from environment variables, from a file or anything else possible in Python.

It is then easy to use it to create your own entrypoint to launch the workers.

Schedule tasks in batch

A pattern that is used frequently with task queues is to periodically scan all entities and schedule an individual task for each entity that needs further work. For instance closing user accounts of member who haven’t logged in in a year.

With Celery this results in having to do as many round-trips to the broker as there are tasks to schedule. There are some workarounds but they just move the problem elsewhere.

Spinach supports sending tasks to the broker in batch to avoid this overhead.

Written for the Cloud

Latency between workers and Redis can be high, for example when they are deployed in two separate regions. Spinach leverages Lua scripting in Redis to avoid unnecessary round-trips by batching calls as much as possible.

In a cloud environment network connections can get dropped and packets get lost. Spinach retries failed actions after applying an exponential backoff with randomized jitter to avoid the thundering herd problem when the network gets back to normal.

Workers are expected to be deployed in containers, probably managed by an orchestrator like Kubernetes or Nomad that often scale and shuffle containers around. Workers can join and leave the cluster at any time without impacting the ability to process jobs.

Because worker processes can die unexpectedly (power loss, OOM killed, extended network outage…), Spinach tries to detect dead workers and reschedule the jobs that were running on them if the jobs are safe to be retried.